Prašyti pašalinti
Jeigu norite paprašyti ištrinti jūsų asmens duomenis, toliau įveskite savo el. pašto adresą ir spustelkite jums atsiųstame laiške pateiktą nuorodą.
Jeigu norite paprašyti ištrinti jūsų asmens duomenis, toliau įveskite savo el. pašto adresą ir spustelkite jums atsiųstame laiške pateiktą nuorodą.
Light Conversion's team comprises highly motivated professionals who passionately believe in our mission: exploring and discovering new applications for femtosecond laser technology. We prioritize the professional development of our employees, ensuring that they LEARN and GROW alongside us. Additionally, we place great emphasis on the HEALTH and WELLBEING of our team members, encouraging a healthy work-life balance. Central to our culture is the value of TRUST and RESPECT. We foster an environment of honest and open communication, where perspectives, challenges, and expectations are shared and respected.
At Light Conversion, we invite you to join us in sharing your passion for science and light.
Bendradarbiaukime ir raskime Jums kitą kolegą (-ę) kartu.